Nimkee NupiGawagan offers residential treatment services for First Nation Youth, ages 12 to 17, who suffer from solvent abuse. The program runs three intakes per year, alternating genders. Families of the youth (3 people) are invited to stay in the residence with the youth midway through the four month program for 1 to 3 weeks. When necessary and appropriate, Psychological and Psychiatric assessments are completed through referrals.

Download intake form

Treatment Program Includes:


Mailing Address:
Nimkee Nupigawagan Healing Centre
R.R. #1
Muncey, Ontario
Canada – N0L 1Y0


Phone and Fax Number
Toll Free: 1-888-685-9862
Phone: 1-519-264-2277
Fax: 1-519-264-1552